Quarterly transaction speed of remittances toward Ghana 2016-2024
Remittances entering Ghana took more than one day to be processed in 2024, a figure that was much higher if cash or bank account transfers were involved. This is according to a Statista estimate that aims to compare the transaction speed listed for different international money transfer channels across the world. Generally, digital remittance tend to process remittances much faster. The figures shown here have originally been gathered by the World Bank using mystery shopping. "Traditional end-to-end" and "digital to traditional" are categories assigned by Statista, and refer to the payment method used at the remittance sending side and the method used when receiving. "Traditional" refers to cash and bank account transfers, while "Digital" includes everything that does not involve these (e.g., cards, mobile wallets, mobile money, etc.). In this statistic, the categories "traditional to digital" and "digital end-to-end" have been added, although not all countries covered had enough channels for these.