Number of radio listeners in Turkey 2020-2029

Number of traditional radio listeners in Turkey from 2020 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Traditional radio refers to the broadcasting of audio content via radio frequency waves to reach listeners, typically through AM and FM stations. It encompasses the transmission of music, news, talk shows, and other programming to a wide audience, often in real-time. Traditional radio remains a popular medium for entertainment, information, and communication, offering diverse content tailored to different demographics and interests.


The Traditional Radio market comprises revenue generated from advertising aired on AM and FM stations, serving as a vital platform for businesses to reach audiences through audio commercials and sponsorships. Additionally, Public Radio Licence Fees contribute to the market, supporting the operations of non-commercial radio stations that provide educational, cultural, and community-focused programming.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenues, ad spendings, users, average revenue per user, and penetration rates. Revenues are generated through purchases. Market numbers for Traditional Radio Advertising can also be found in the Audio Advertising market. Key players in the market are companies, such as iHeartMedia, Audacy Inc., and Cumulus Media Inc.

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