Results of the national elections in South Africa 2024, by seated political party

National election results in South Africa in 2024, by seated political party

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Release date

June 2024


Africa, South Africa

Survey time period


Age group

18 years and older

Supplementary notes

The release date is the date of access.

Only parties who were allocated seats in parliament have been included.

* First time running.

The National Assembly consists of 400 members. 200 seats are reserved for the provincial election results and 200 for the national election results. The number of seats that a party has in the Assembly is in proportion to the number of voters that voted for a particular party in the election. The 400 seats of the National Assembly are calculated by assigning 200 from the provincial ballot and 200 from the national list. In 2024, the provincial ballot includes independent candidates.

Elections occur in South Africa once every five years, with provincial and national elections taking place at the same time, and local/municipal elections taking place two years later. South Africa uses the proportional representation electoral system for provincial and national elections and a combination of the proportional representation and ward system for local/municipal elections. This means that South Africans vote for their chosen party in the provincial and national elections and vote for their chosen ward candidate in the local/municipal elections.

South African citizens from the age of 18 are eligible to vote. South Africans who live outside of South Africa are also allowed to vote, but only in the national elections. To vote in the provincial or local/municipal elections, South Africans have to reside in South Africa and be within the province and municipality they have registered in. If they live in a different province or municipality to the one they originally registered in, they will have to re-register before the voting day.

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