MedTech revenue APAC 2020-2029, by subregion

Medical technology revenue in the Asia-Pacific region from 2020 to 2029, by subregion

CharacteristicEastern AsiaSoutheast AsiaSouthern AsiaAustralia & Oceania
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Statistic: Medical technology revenue in the Asia-Pacific region from 2020 to 2029, by subregion (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Medical Technology market covers devices and products used for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. Next to pharmaceuticals, they form the most important category of medical products. The most well known medical technology products are, among others, pacemakers, imaging instruments, dialysis machines, and implants.

The Medical Technology market consists of two markets, In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) and Medical Devices. The IVD market covers products used for medical laboratory testing of specimens derived from the human body. The Medical Devices market covers a broad range of products which are further marketed into medical specialties or types of application: Cardiology Devices, Diagnostic Imaging Devices, Orthopedic Devices, Ophthalmic Devices, and General & Plastic Surgery Devices. The Other Medical Devices market provides information on additional areas that are not covered by the main markets.

Additional information:
Market values represent revenues paid to primary vendors at manufacturer price level either directly or through distribution channels (excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include spending by consumers (B2C), enterprises (B2B) as well as governments (B2G). Revenues are allocated to the country where the money is spent.

Company examples: Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Laboratories, Siemens Healthineers.
Further information on the key players can be found in the Market Shares boxes.

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Medical technology in the Asia-Pacific region

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Marlene Greenfield
Vice President, Hearst Magazines

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