Global AI robots market growth from 2021-2030

Growth of the artificial intelligence (AI) robotics market worldwide from 2021 to 2030

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Artificial intelligence robotics refers to the field that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics and aims to develop intelligent machines capable of performing tasks autonomously. These robots are equipped with AI algorithms and techniques that enable them to perceive, learn, reason, and make decisions in real time. By integrating AI into robotics, these intelligent machines can adapt to dynamic environments, interact with humans, and carry out complex tasks. These developments pave the way to a wide range of applications in areas such as manufacturing, healthcare, exploration, and assistance, with the goal of enhancing efficiency, productivity, and human-machine collaboration.


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Robotics market consists of two components. One of them is AI Service Robotics, which includes the development, manufacturing, and deployment of robotic systems designed for consumer-facing applications. The other one is AI Industrial Robotics, which encompasses the development, manufacturing, and deployment of autonomous machines and robotic systems for use in industrial settings, such as manufacturing plants, warehouses, and logistics operations.

Additional Information:

The market comprises two key performance indicators: market sizes and market sizes by industry. Market sizes are generated by the funding amount of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Robotics companies. Key players of the market include companies such as Boston Dynamics, ABB, and Fanuc.

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