Leading 10 footwear producers worldwide 2016-2022, by country
Global footwear market
The global footwear market is a multi-billion U.S. dollar industry. A part of the clothing and apparel industry, the footwear market is comprised of shoes, sneakers, luxury footwear, athletic footwear, and sporting shoes, as well as other related goods. Footwear products are commonly made of leather, textiles, and a range of synthetic materials.
Footwear export market
Unsurprisingly, given that it is the world’s leading producer of footwear, China is also the primary exporter of footwear worldwide. Interestingly, several European countries feature on the list of leading exporters in terms of export value, showing that although they produce a fraction of the world’s footwear in comparison to Asia, footwear produced in Europe can attract a premium in terms of value and pricing. The United States was the leading destination for footwear exports as of 2021.