Revenue of OTC pharmaceuticals in Hungary 2017-2029, by segment

Revenue of OTC pharmaceuticals in Hungary from 2017 to 2029, by segment

CharacteristicOther OTC PharmaceuticalsAnalgesicsVitamins & MineralsSkin TreatmentCold & Cough RemediesEye CareHand SanitizerDigestives & Intestinal RemediesWound CareSleep Aids
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Statistic: Revenue of OTC pharmaceuticals in Hungary from 2017 to 2029, by segment (in million U.S. dollars)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Over-the-Counter Pharmaceuticals market includes non-prescription medications, treatments, and healthcare products that are available directly to consumers without a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. It includes both products which are exclusively sold in pharmacies and products which can be purchased elsewhere such as supermarkets, and online retailers. Sales by hospitals are not included.

The market is subdivided into Analgesics, Cold and Cough Remedies, Digestives and Intestinal Remedies, Skin Treatment, Vitamins and Minerals, Hand Sanitizer, Eye care, Sleep aids, Wound care, and Other OTC Pharmaceuticals. The Analgesics market covers non-prescription pain-relief medications which help to relief aches, pains and fevers. Cold & Cough market covers non-prescription remedies aimed at relieving nasal congestion, coughing, sore throat, and related cold discomforts. The Digestives and Intestinal Remedies market encompasses non-prescription products designed to alleviate symptoms related to digestive discomfort and intestinal issues. The Skin Treatment market includes non-prescription medications formulated to address various dermatological concerns such as acne, eczema and dryness. The Vitamins and Minerals market comprises non-prescription dietary supplements containing essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The Hand sanitizer market covers sanitizing products which are applied on hands to effectively reduce the presence of bacteria and viruses. The Eye Care market covers non-prescription products to address common eye-related discomforts such as dryness, irritation or redness. The Sleep Aids market covers non-prescription products designed to promote relaxation, alleviate insomnia, and improve sleep quality. The Wound Care market includes non-prescription products designed to facilitate wound healing and prevent infection.

Additional information:
OTC Pharmaceuticals comprises revenues, average revenue per capita. Sales channels show online and offline revenue. Revenues include VAT. The market only displays B2C revenues, hence B2B and B2G revenues are not included.
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