AI market size in CEE 2024-2030, by country

Market size of artificial intelligence (AI) in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 2024 and 2030, by country

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating machines able to perform tasks traditionally requiring human intelligence, such as perception, reasoning, and learning. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) market includes a wide range of applications, such as speech recognition, image processing, and autonomous vehicles and has seen rapid growth in recent years due to advancements in technology and increased investment. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) market includes software, hardware, and services that enable organizations to develop and deploy AI applications.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) market is structured into six markets based on the technology:
The Computer Vision market covers applications that enable computers to interpret and understand digital images and video data.
The Machine Learning market covers the use of algorithms to enable computer systems to learn from data.
The Natural Language Processing market covers applications that enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
The Artificial Intelligence Robotics market covers the combination of AI, machine learning, and engineering to create intelligent machines that can perform tasks autonomously.
The Autonomous & Sensor Technology market covers machines and systems that operate independently by using sensors, AI, and machine learning to respond to changes in their environment.
The Generative AI market covers artificial intelligence that involves creating models capable of generating new content, such as images, videos, and text, which are indistinguishable from content created by humans.

Key players of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) market include companies such as Google, Open AI, IBM, and Microsoft.

Figures have been rounded.
All figures are estimates.

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