Number of convictions in South Africa 2022/2023, by type

Number of convictions in South Africa in 2022/2023, by type

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Release date

June 2023


South Africa

Survey time period


Special properties

fiscal year

Supplementary notes

The fiscal year runs from 1 April to 31 March.

The number of cases finalized with a verdict are the criminal cases reported to the police which have gone to court. The number of convictions are influenced by various factors: 1)The National Prosecuting Authority prioritizes those cases which have a good chance of securing a conviction. 2) Nature of the case - in cases where the offender is not known to the victims, the courts needs to identify the offender and then establish guilt. 3) Poor police investigation and/or mistakes made by prosecutors. 4) Inexperienced prosecutors who are not able to present the State's case in an convincing manner. 5) Witnesses, including the accuser, are not working together with the state and who may have lost interest due to court date postponements. 6) The prospect of the accused pleading guilty. 7) The quality of the accused defense.

The source states that contact crimes include violent crimes such as murder, attempted murder and sexual offences, as well as common assault and robbery.

-Femicide is the intentional killing of a female (or perceived female, based on gender identity) specifically because she is female, whether committed within a domestic relationship, interpersonal relationship or by any other person. -Intimate partner femicide is defined as femicide committed by a current or former husband (divorced or separated), boyfriend (dating or cohabiting), ex-boyfriend or rejected would-be lover.
-Organized crime involves making profit from illicit activites

The numbers reflected here are likely higher in reality due to unreported crimes.

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Statistics on " Violent crime in South Africa "

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Contact crime


Sexual offenses


Aggravated robbery


Other violent crimes


Policing and emergency call-takers


Convictions and inmates

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