Revenue per hospital bed in the hospitals market in Honduras 2018-2029

Revenue per hospital bed in the hospitals market in Honduras from 2018 to 2029

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Release date

August 2024



Survey time period

2018 to 2029

Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Hospitals are licensed facilities that provide a variety of medical and surgical services, some of which are also provided by other facilities. A distinguishing characteristic of hospitals is “inpatient care,” which refers to services where patients are admitted to a hospital to stay overnight for closer monitoring.

This market includes general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and specialist hospitals, which provide various services to patients, ranging from diagnostics, medical and surgical treatments, nursing and specialized accommodation to other medical services. Depending on the specific legal regulations, the medical services provided by hospitals can vary greatly from country to country. Long-term care facilities, ambulatory care providers, and medical retailers are excluded from this market.

The Hospitals market is divided into three categories: Inpatient Care, Outpatient Care, and Other Hospital Services. Inpatient Care comprises all the medical and surgical services that are provided to patients who are admitted to a hospital for an overnight stay. Outpatient Care covers all medical and surgical services that are provided to patients without having to spend the night in a hospital. Other Hospital Services includes hospital services that are provided outside of a basic hospital setting, e.g., day-care, long-term care, and home-based care.

Additional information:
The shown KPIs include revenues, average revenue per capita, number of hospitals, density of hospitals, average revenue per hospital, number of hospital beds, density of hospital beds, and average revenue per hospital bed. Market values represent revenues paid to hospitals by the respective healthcare payers (including VAT, if applicable). Reported market revenues include spending by consumers (B2C), enterprises (B2B), and governments (B2G). Revenues are allocated to the country where the money is spent.

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