Social media advertising spending per internet user in Portugal 2017-2028, by device

Social media advertising spending per internet user in Portugal from 2017 to 2028, by device

CharacteristicSocial Media Advertising DesktopSocial Media Advertising Mobile
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Statistic: Social media advertising spending per internet user in Portugal from 2017 to 2028, by device (in euros)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.Definition:
Social Media Advertising is a form of online digital marketing in which paid banner and video ad campaigns are run on social media platforms to reach the target audiences. Marketers can promote brands, products, and services and increase purchase intention.

Additional information:
Social Media Advertising comprises advertising spending, users, average revenue per user, and key players. The market only displays B2B spending. Figures are based on advertising spending and exclude agency commissions, rebates, production costs, and taxes. Key players in Social Media Advertising include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Weibo, Naver, and Kakao. For more information on the data displayed, use the info button right next to the boxes.

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Advertising in Portugal

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Christof Baron
CEO, MindShare Germany

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