WWII: number of people mobilized by selected countries 1937-1945

Number of personnel mobilized by selected Axis and Allied countries or territories during the Second World War from 1937 to 1945

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Release date




Survey time period

1937* to 1945

Supplementary notes

Classification of Allied and Axis countries were chosen by the source. The source adds that Romania's figure includes 1.2mn Axis soldiers and 600,000 Allied soldiers (but a total of two million), and that there is overlap between the figures for Yugoslavia and Croatia.

*WWII is generally considered to have started in 1939, however 1937 is chosen as the start date due to the Second Sino-Japanese War.
**There is a major discrepancy between the figures for Italy and those of other sources. Many sources place the number of Italians mobilized at closer to four million, and it is unclear how many East Africans or Libyans are included in this figure (although it is unlikely their combined total makes up this difference).
***Figure calculated by subtracting the individual Allied values from the Allied total of 86.961.000. The total Axis value is equal to the combined entries for each country - it is unclear whether Thailand is included with Japan's total, but is likely that Japan's colonies (incl. Korea and Taiwan) are included here.

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