VR software B2C market revenue in Europe 2018-2028, by segment

Virtual reality (VR) software B2C market revenue in Europe from 2018 to 2028, by segment

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The VR Software market can be divided into two markets: Gaming and Video. Gaming includes all revenues that are generated from VR games, either through game purchases via Steam or any other marketplace or through in-game purchases. Purchases of physical video games are also included. According to Steam, the top-selling VR games are Half-Life: Alyx, Beat Saber, as well as Blade and Sorcery. The Video market contains all revenues from video apps, such as 360-degree videos, or from any other application, such as Google Earth VR. VR software revenues comprise in-app purchases, subscriptions, as well as app and game purchases.

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