Revenue of the AR software industry in Europe 2019-2029

Revenue of the AR software industry in Europe 2019-2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The AR Software market comprises all in-app ad revenues generated from apps that have AR features as well as revenues from app purchases. These apps have to be accessible via iPhones and Android phones and must be distributed via major app stores. The market consists of three markets: Social Media, Gaming, and eCommerce. In social media, augmented reality is used when integrating different face filters and lenses into the relevant apps. In gaming, augmented reality is used to display characters, surfaces, and/or anything else on mobile phones by employing mobile cameras. Similarly, in eCommerce, augmented reality is used to either “try on” different clothes or makeup by making them appear on your mobile phone or to even display different pieces of furniture, placing them somewhere in the surroundings filmed by you. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram, Pokémon Go, and Ikea Place. All revenue data solely refers to B2C transactions.

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