Revenue growth of puzzles worldwide 2020-2029

Revenue growth of the puzzles market worldwide from 2020 to 2029

CharacteristicYear-on-year change in revenue
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Statistic: Revenue growth of the puzzles market worldwide from 2020 to 2029
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Puzzles are games or toys that require users to assemble pieces into a complete picture, shape, or design. These pieces can be made of various materials such as cardboard, wood, metal, or plastic, and come in various sizes and levels of difficulty. The puzzle market is driven by consumer demand for engaging and educational games, as well as the growing popularity of puzzle-related activities such as escape rooms and puzzle hunts. Advances in technology have also led to the development of digital puzzles, which can be played on mobile devices or computers.

Additional Information:

The puzzle market comprises revenue and average revenue per capita, with figures generated through both online and offline sales channels. The market serves only the B2C sector, with manufacturers targeting both children and adult hobbyists. Key players in the market include companies such as Ravensburger, Buffalo Games, and Hasbro. These companies are known for their diverse product lines, brand recognition, and global distribution networks. For more information on the data displayed, use the info button right next to the boxes.

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