Ehealth devices market revenue in Colombia 2023, by segment

Revenue of the ehealth devices market in Colombia in 2023, by segment

CharacteristicRevenue in million U.S. dollars
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Statistic: Revenue of the ehealth devices market in Colombia in 2023, by segment (in million U.S. dollars)
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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Connected Biosensors are devices that collect information on a variety of health parameters and vital signs of an individual, such as blood pressure, temperature, and blood glucose, by reading or measuring this data and transmitting it via electrical signals. This market also includes social alarms as an example of ambient assisted living technologies, which are emerging technologies enabled by IoT, AI, sensors, and wireless communication technologies with the goal of helping elderly people live safely and independently in their environment.


The Connected Biosensors market is divided into four categories: thermometers, blood glucose meters, blood pressure meters, and social alarms.

Additional Information:

The market data comprises revenue, average revenue per user, users, and user penetration rates. The data only reflects B2C revenues, B2B and C2C revenues are not covered.

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