Gaming equipment market volume forecast in Russia 2019-2029

Forecast gaming equipment market volume in Russia from 2019 to 2029, by segment

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Gaming equipment refers to the hardware and accessories used for playing video games. This includes devices such as gaming consoles and VR (virtual reality) headsets. Gaming equipment can vary widely in terms of quality, performance, and cost, and is often designed specifically for gaming applications. Gaming equipment can be used for a wide range of games, including single-player and multiplayer games, and can be enjoyed by gamers of all ages and skill levels.


The gaming equipment is structured into two main product categories:

  • Game Consoles: Devices specifically designed for playing video games and typically include features such as advanced graphics processing, connectivity, and controllers.
  • VR Headsets: Devices used to experience virtual reality, often in conjunction with gaming. They offer a highly immersive gaming experience, allowing players to enter and interact with virtual environments.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenue, average revenue per capita, volume, average volume per capita and price. Figures are generated through both online and offline sales channels and include spending by consumers (B2C). There is a high degree of competition in the market, with established players such as Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, as well as new entrants such as cloud gaming companies.

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