Private health insurance ranking in Italy in 2024, by Forbes advisor score
As of 2024, the private health insurances Reale Mutua Realmente InSalute and UnipolSai Salute 360° were at the top of a ranking created by Forbes Advisor of the best private health insurances in Italy, both with a score of 4.4. This statistic displays a ranking of private health insurance in Italy in 2024, by Forbes advisor score.
Insurance density and penetration
As of 2020, health insurance density in Italy was fairly low, with total premiums valuing around 52 euros per capita. Similarly, health insurance penetration was also marginal, remaining around 0.19 percent despite slowly increasing throughout the past decade. This could be explained by the fact that healthcare is free in Italy.
Private healthcare expenditure
In 2021, most of the private health expenditures were paid out of pocket, accounting for 90 percent of the total private health expenditure, while only nearly ten percent were paid by health insurance. Nevertheless, there was an increasing pattern in annual spending on private health insurance, reaching 3.51 billion euros nationwide by the year 2022. By then, 2.7 percent of total health expenditures in Italy were spent on voluntary insurance schemes.