Blink Charging's net income/loss 2018-2023
Blink Charging is an U.S. American electric vehicle infrastructure company that operates an electric vehicle charging network and related services. Between the 2018 and 2023 fiscal years, Blink Charging has consistently shown a negative yearly net income. In 2023, Blink Charging's net loss amounted to around 203.7 million U.S. dollars.
Customer Perception of Electric Vehicles
The priorities of the general population are shifting, increasing the focus on environmental sustainability. One of the results of this new movement is a wider acceptance of electric vehicles (EVs), as they provide a greener alternative to fuel-based vehicles. A 2022 survey showed that 28 percent of people in the United States who believe climate change has an impact on their daily lives also wanted to buy a fully electric vehicle. According to another survey from 2021, almost 75 percent of U.S. consumers who owned a hybrid or electric vehicle were considering buying an EV for their next car purchase.
The charging infrastructure in the United States is one of the most significant impediments to EV adoption. Even though the general population shows interest in purchasing an electric vehicle, the number of deployed charging stations and outlets is not enough to meet the impending demand. The high volume of vehicles per charging station causes a very crowded charging infrastructure: For example, in New York, as of 2020, there was only one public charger available for every 32 electric vehicles; and in Los Angeles the ratio of stations to EVs was around 1:23 that same year. Thus, energy supply and the demand for EVs are still unbalanced, especially in urban areas, where EVs tend to be more popular. Nevertheless, the charging network is expected to expand in the future due to new developments in the battery market – such as research on alternatives to lithium-ion batteries moving away from the use of cobalt – and the increasing number of new charger manufacturers.
As of May 2023, the U.S. had almost 53,400 charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles in various states. Some 30,400 public stations were operated by the market leader ChargePoint, and 1,800 charging stations were brought into service by Blink Charging.