U.S. and U.K. teens: negative feelings that started on Instagram 2019

Negative feelings that originated after browsing Instagram according to teens in the United States and United Kingdom in 2019

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Release date

October 2019


United Kingdom, United States

Survey time period


Number of respondents

2,503 respondents

Age group

13-17 years

Method of interview

Online survey

Supplementary notes

Original question: In the past month, have you felt or experienced any of the following? Please select all that apply.
❏ Feeling down, sad, or depressed
❏ Feeling alone or lonely
❏ Feeling like you wanted to hurt yourself
❏ Feeling like you wanted to kill yourself
❏ Feeling like you’re not good enough
❏ Feeling like you’re not attractive
❏ Feeling like you have to create the perfect image
❏ Feeling like you have to be happy
❏ Feeling uncomfortable being honest about your emotions or feelings
❏ Feeling like you don’t have enough money to buy the things you think will make you fit in
❏ Feeling like you don’t have enough friends
❏ Feeling like your friends aren’t really your friends
❏ None of these

Of the things you've felt in the past month, did any of them start on Instagram? Please select all that apply.
The source did not provide an exact date of survey.

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