Share of e-mail advertising in online advertising market in Poland 2015-2023
Over the period presented, the share of e-mail in the total online advertising market in Poland decreased. In 2023, e-mail accounted for 1 percent of the online advertising market in the country.
E-mail marketing in Poland
E-mail marketing consists of four main types: newsletters, acquisitions, retention, and promotional newsletters. The main act of this advertising format is sending a commercial message that will reach the target group of users, very often potential or existing customers.
Regarding the most significant drivers to subscribe to e-mail newsletters, benefits such as free gifts or discount codes ranked first among three-quarters of Poles in 2022. Other important factors included interesting content and quick access to information. In terms of the main e-mail marketing mistakes, the lack of possibility to unsubscribe was the worst possible omission in a newsletter, according to 28 percent of Poles.
E-mail spam blocks and filters
E-mail spam, also referred to as junk e-mail, are unsolicited e-mail messages, most often sent in bulk to a large list of recipients. In 2022, four in 10 Polish users received up to 10 spam e-mails on a daily basis. At the same time, roughly three in 10 deleted between five and 10 e-mails daily without opening the messages. Almost every second Pole used anti-spam filters to minimize their contact with unwanted messages.