Central America communication services revenue 2018-2029, by segment

Communication services revenue in Central America from 2018 to 2029, by segment

CharacteristicMobile DataFixed DataMobile VoiceFixed Voice
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Statistic: Communication services revenue in Central America from 2018 to 2029, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Communication Services market encompasses a wide array of services and technologies that enable people to connect, share information, and communicate with each other. It includes traditional forms of communication like phone calls and television services, as well as digital platforms such as the Internet.

This market plays a pivotal role in facilitating personal and business communication, making it an essential part of our interconnected world. It continuously evolves with technological advancements, offering new ways for individuals and organizations to stay connected and informed.


The Communication Services market includes revenues generated by its four key markets - Fixed Data, Fixed Voice, Mobile Data, and Mobile Voice:

  • Fixed data refers to internet services through wired connections, allowing users to access the internet at home or in businesses using technologies such as DSL, cable, or fiber optics.
  • The Fixed Voice market offers traditional landline telephone services for voice communication, typically through wired connections.
  • The Mobile Data market delivers internet connectivity to mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, enabling users to access the internet on the go using cellular networks.
  • Mobile voice services provide cell phone users with the ability to make voice calls and engage in conversations using wireless networks.

Additional information:

The Communication Services market comprises revenues, revenue change, average spend per capita, as well as a list of the key players in the market and their consolidated revenues. Market values represent revenues paid by end consumers and enterprises for carrier services directly to telecommunications providers, either directly or through distribution channels (manufacturer prices, excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include consumer spending (B2C) and business spending (B2B). Detailed definitions of each market can be found on the corresponding market pages. Key players in the market include AT&T, China Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, and Vodafone Group.

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