Blockchain developing companies in Russia 2019, by segment

Number of organizations working on development and promotion of blockchain technology in the corporate sector in Russia in 2019, by thematic segment

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Release date

October 2019



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Supplementary notes

According to the source, it mapped an ecosystem of "organizations operating in Russia on the development and promotion of blockchain technology in the corporate sector." Those included "Russian companies, as well as international companies that have a physical presence in Russia." In total, it put 157 organizations on the map, split in the following segments: "Vendors and platforms: organizations that have a proprietary product and provide technological solutions or server services in the field of blockchain technology and have an office in Russia;
System integrators: companies that provide services of blockchain technology integration in business processes and have an office in Russia;
Corporations: Russian companies that have announced the integration of blockchain in their business activities and are working on the development of this technology;
Education and science: Russian licensed education organizations that have a cycle of disciplines related to blockchain technology in the course programs; as well as centers of scientific competencies working on the promotion and development of blockchain technology in Russia;
Legal consulting: organizations providing legal services that have blockchain expertise and an office in Russia;
Business consulting: consulting services companies that have blockchain expertise and an office in Russia;
Security: companies working in the field of information and personnel security that have blockchain expertise and an office in Russia;
Regulators: public authorities and law institutions of Russia involved in the development of draft laws related to the blockchain;
Development and support institutes: innovative complexes specializing in the formation and development of an ecosystem of distributed ledger technology in Russia;
Associations and consortia: integration of legal entities working on the promotion and development of blockchain technology in Russia;
Clubs and communities: formal and informal associations of individuals working on the promotion and development of blockchain technology in Russia."

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