Parkland Corporation: operating revenue worldwide 2022, by product category

Operating revenue of Parkland Corporation worldwide in 2022, by product category

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Release date

March 2023



Survey time period


Supplementary notes

* Includes propane and butane.
** Includes crude oil, aviation fuel, asphalt, fuel oils, gas oils, ethanol, and biodiesel.
*** Convenience store revenue generated from Canada, International, and USA depends on the business model operated by each segment.
**** Includes lubricants, freight, tanks and parts installation, cylinder exchanges, royalties, emission allowances, and other products and services.
*****Includes facilities rental revenue, advertising revenue and other miscellaneous retail-related revenues

The source includes the following notes:

Canada (formerly "Canada Retail" and "Canada Commercial") supplies and supports retail gas stations, cardlock sites, bulk fuel, propane, heating oil, lubricants, and other related services to commercial, industrial, and residential customers. Canada operates under five key retail fuel brands: Ultramar, Esso, Fas Gas Plus, Chevron, and Pioneer and operates a leading convenience store brand, On the Run / Marché Express. Canada also serves its commercial customer base through a family of brands including Ultramar, Bluewave Energy, Pipeline Commercial, Chevron, Columbia Fuels, and Sparlings Propane.

International represents the contributions of the Sol business acquired on January, 2019. It includes operations in 23 territories predominantly located in the Caribbean and northern coast of South America. International operates retail service stations under brands including Sol, Esso and Shell. International also serves commercial, industrial and aviation businesses.

USA operates retail service stations and delivers gasoline, distillates, propane and lubricating oils in the United States. USA operates under several brands including Farstad Oil, Superpumper, Tropic Oil, Rhinehart Oil, Harts and On the Run.

Refining represents the operations of the Burnaby Refinery which is responsible for the refining of fuel products such as gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, and is also engaged in renewable business activities, such as co-processing of bio-feedstocks (i.e. tallow, canola oil, tall oil and others) and blending of low-carbon-intensity fuels (bio-diesel, ethanol and others) with gasoline and diesel to produce greener fuels resulting in emission credits

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