Expectations for future digital workflow in North America and Europe 2020

What is your stance on business continuity and the implementation of digital workflows for employees and customers in 2020?

CharacteristicAgreeStrongly agree
The way organizations handle business continuity will impact their ability to attract talent in the future. 45% 28%
Our employees and future new hires will want to continue working remotely more frequently than before. 36% 31%
Our employees are wanting a greater surplus of digital alternatives. 44% 22%
We will further develop out digital capabilities (e.g., eCommerce website, digital banking, digital communication, and events, etc.) to better serve our customers virtually. 38% 28%
Our customers are wanting improved digital alternatives and interactions. 44% 19%
We will upgrade our technology for workforce continuity (e.g., IT solutions and tools to better support virtual working). 41% 20%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents28%28%31%31%22%22%28%28%19%19%20%20%45%45%36%36%44%44%38%38%44%44%41%41%AgreeStrongly agreeThe way organizations handle business continuity will impact theirability to attract talent in the future.Our employees and future new hires will want to continue workingremotely more frequently than before.Our employees are wanting a greater surplus of digital alternatives.We will further develop out digital capabilities (e.g., eCommercewebsite, digital banking, digital communication, and events, etc.) tobetter serve our customers virtually.Our customers are wanting improved digital alternatives andinteractions.We will upgrade our technology for workforce continuity (e.g., ITsolutions and tools to better support virtual working).
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Release date

August 2020


North America, Europe, APAC

Survey time period

June 2020

Number of respondents

450 respondents

Special properties

senior IT and business decision makers*

Method of interview

Online survey

Supplementary notes

*Respondents are responsible for digital document processing at their organizations.

Respondents represent a range of company sizes, from small (2 to 99 employees) to global (more than 20,000 employees).

Industries represented are financial services and/or insurance (20%), local or national government (11%), higher education (20%), life sciences (20%), state government (9%), other (20%).

Respondent departments are finance/accounting (15%), human resources/training (9%), IT (32%), marketing/advertising (12%), operations (15%), sales (5%), legal (6%), product development and technology (6%).

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