French shoppers on what to if shops stay closed for Black Friday 2020, by age

Consumer opinion on what to do for Black Friday in case non-essential shops stay closed in France on November 27, 2020, by age

Characteristic18-24 years25-34 years35-49 years50-64 years65 years and over
Black Friday and any similar promotion on the Internet should be banned in solidarity with closed stores 24% 34% 30% 39% 51%
Black Friday should be maintained allowing households in difficulty to make purchases at a lower cost 55% 44% 41% 32% 25%
Black Friday should be developed by imposing a tax, paying part of the profits to closed businesses 13% 17% 26% 28% 21%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents24%24%55%55%13%13%34%34%44%44%17%17%30%30%41%41%26%26%39%39%32%32%28%28%51%51%25%25%21%21%18-24 years25-34 years35-49 years50-64 years65 years and overBlack Friday and any similar promotion on the Internet should bebanned in solidarity with closed storesBlack Friday should be maintained allowing households in difficulty tomake purchases at a lower costBlack Friday should be developed by imposing a tax, paying part of theprofits to closed businesses
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Release date

November 2020



Survey time period

October 21-22, 2020; November 12-13, 2020

Number of respondents


Age group

18 years and older

Method of interview

Computer-assisted web interviews (CAWI)

Supplementary notes

The question was phrased by the source as follows: "Si les magasins dits non-essentiels sont toujours fermés le 27 novembre, que faudrait-il selon vous faire ?".

* The source adds the following information: "A sample of 1,015 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over was interviewed before the second lockdown was announced in France. The second sample of 1,019 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over was interviewed after the announcement fot he re-confinement.
The samples were drawn up according to the quota method, with regard to the criteria of sex, age, socio-professional category, category of city and region of residence".

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