Attitudes of singles to masks and personal interaction on dates in Germany 2020

How do you feel about the following statements regarding masks and personal interaction in relation to your next date?

CharacteristicShare of respondents
I think it's a pity that I can't see the entire face of the other person 78%
I find it difficult to communicate when I can't see the other's facial expressions 75%
The mask sometimes makes conversations difficult to understand 64%
The mask makes the date impersonal 59%
I would mind if my date wore a mask 53%
The mask gives eye contact a special meaning 45%
Masks can distract from the topic of conversation 43%
It bothers me that you can't kiss 38%
The masks can provide a good start to a conversation 25%
I can imagine getting closer physically to my date despite the mask 22%
I think the mask also has something mysterious about it 19%
When my date wears a mask, it gives me a feeling of security and I can get involved in the conversation 15%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents78%78%75%75%64%64%59%59%53%53%45%45%43%43%38%38%25%25%22%22%19%19%15%15%I think it's a pity that I can't see the entire face of the other personI find it difficult to communicate when I can't see the other's facialexpressionsThe mask sometimes makes conversations difficult to understandThe mask makes the date impersonalI would mind if my date wore a maskThe mask gives eye contact a special meaningMasks can distract from the topic of conversationIt bothers me that you can't kissThe masks can provide a good start to a conversationI can imagine getting closer physically to my date despite the maskI think the mask also has something mysterious about itWhen my date wears a mask, it gives me a feeling of security and Ican get involved in the conversation
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Release date

August 2020



Survey time period

June 2020

Number of respondents

3,198 respondents

Age group

18 years and older

Special properties

Parship members who go on dates

Method of interview

Online survey

Supplementary notes

This statistic only depicts the top two boxes of "completely agree" and "agree".

The survey question was worded as follows: "When you think about your next date, how do you feel about the following statements regarding masks and personal interaction?

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