Home appliance manufacturing sites in Europe 2019-2023, by country
The European home appliance industry operated 127 manufacturing sites in European countries (including Russia and Turkey) in 2023. France was home to the most manufacturing sites with 21, closely followed by France and Germany with 36 and 26 household appliance manufacturing sites each. The number of manufacturing sites in Italy and France decreased significantly compared to the previous year, with Italy doubling the amount of manufacturing centers. Only Hungry saw the number of their manufacturing sires increase by one.
Economic impact of the home appliance industry
In total, 3.3 thousand enterprises operated in the home appliances industry in the European Union as of 2023, providing employment to more than 220 thousand people. In the same year, the European household appliances' industry added more than 79.7 billion euros in direct and indirect value to the economy.
Europe's most sold appliance
Home appliance retailers in Europe sell more washing machines than any other item. Retailers sold 23.2 million washing machines across Europe in 2022, followed by fridges with 21.5 million units sold. Among small home appliances, coffee machines were the most sold small appliances in Europe in 2022, followed by food preparations appliances.