Distribution of personal care sales channels in Colombia 2021-2029, by type

Distribution of sales channels in the beauty and personal care market in Colombia from 2021 to 2029, by type

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Statistic: Distribution of sales channels in the beauty and personal care market in Colombia from 2021 to 2029, by type
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Beauty & Personal Care market refers to consumer goods for cosmetics and body care. This market includes various categories such as cosmetics, skin care, personal care, fragrances and beauty tech. Excluded categories are beauty services, such as hairdressers, and professional products. Products that primarily serve medical purposes are also excluded here but are shown as part of the OTC Pharmaceuticals market. All shown sales values refer to the retail value and include sales taxes.


The market consists of 5 different segments:

  • The Cosmetics cover face cosmetics, lip cosmetics, eye cosmetics, nails, and natural cosmetics.
  • The Skin Care covers face skin care, body care, sun protecting products, baby & child and natural skin care.
  • The Hair Care covers shower & bath, oral care, deodorants, shaving, natural and personal care.
  • The Fragrances cover the consumer market for perfume and Eau de Toilette and any fragrances that cover normal body odor.
  • The Beauty tech covers the development and application of digital tools and devices that aim to enhance beauty-related experiences, improve skincare routines, and provide personalized beauty solutions.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenue, average revenue per capita, sales channel. The market encompasses retail sales through both online and offline sales channels to private end customers (B2C). For more information on the displayed data, click the info button on the right side of each box.

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