Standardized milk production in Poland 2000-2023
During the observed period, the production of standardized milk in Poland fluctuated, reaching a record level of 22.07 million hectoliters in 2022. In 2023, the amount of standardized milk produced reached 21.6 million hectoliters
Milk production volume and value
The processed liquid milk production fluctuated in the last decades, recording an all-time high volume of 37.09 hectoliters in 2020. In terms of value, the sold production value of milk and other milk products has seen steady growth over the years. As a result, it reached its record value in 2020, at over 30.5 billion zloty. Furthermore, the same could be observed in the buttermilk segment. Since 2018, the sold production value of buttermilk stayed at more than 180 million zloty.
Milk trade flows
The value of milk and cream imports to Poland fluctuated in the last decade, reaching its highest point in 2018, at over 194 million U.S. dollars. In 2020, the biggest exporters of milk products to the Polish market were Lithuania and Germany. Export-wise, Poland recorded an all-time high milk export volume in 2020, exporting nearly 830.4 thousand metric tons of this product.