Number of PC bangs South Korea March 2020, by province
The second coming of PC bangs
New laws that restricted or otherwise affected PC bang consumers was a challenge for the industry. This was overcome thanks to the popularity of various gaming titles and the successful adaptation of PC bangs to provide better services to their users. Since 2016, PC bangs have enjoyed continuous revenue growth. Another positive fact is that the number of visits made by the average user had increased overall.
A social gathering spot for Koreans
The average length of stay in PC bangs was around two and a half hours in 2019. However, users were not there to only binge gaming. In addition to playing games with good equipment, the social aspect of playing games together was the main reason for using PC bangs by gamers. Another key strategy implemented was focusing on food services provided in PC bangs. Nowadays it is common to see a modern PC bang boast a menu that covers a wide range of various drinks and food.