Production of pharmaceuticals in Poland 2018-2023, by type of product
The production of pharmaceutical products is continuously increasing in Poland. In 2018, the production of medicaments and other pharmaceutical products was worth almost 10 billion zloty; this figure has already risen to nearly 13 billion zloty by 2022. At the same time, the value of basic pharmaceutical products produced also increased by over 300 million zloty.
Pharmaceutical sector in Poland
In general, the value of the pharmaceutical market in Poland has increased in recent years from 30 billion zloty in 2015 to over 46 billion zloty in 2022. On-the-counter revenues in the pharmaceutical market grew sharply and are expected to reach nearly 4.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2028. The number of pharmaceutical companies amounted to 487, marking a 130 percent growth from 2005.
Foreign trade
In 2022, pharmaceutical product exports reached a record value of nearly 4.4 billion euros. The biggest export partner of Polish pharmaceutical products in 2022 was Germany, followed by Russia. Poland exported products worth almost 759 million euros in this period. Germany was also the biggest pharmaceutical importer. The value of imports from this country amounted to over 1.5 billion euros, while the total value of imports exceeded eight million euros.