Key indicators of cyber security in Russia 2021

Cyber security performance of Russia as of 2021, by indicator

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Release date

September 2021



Survey time period


Supplementary notes

The source provided the following definitions:
"The percentage of mobiles infected with malware – software designed to gain unauthorized access to, destroy, or disrupt a device’s system.
The percentage of users attacked by mobile banking trojans – a malicious program designed to gain access to confidential data processed through or stored on banking systems.
The percentage of users attacked by mobile ransomware trojans – a malicious program designed to steal sensitive data and lock a user out of their device until they pay a ransom.
The percentage of users attacked by banking malware (non-mobile) – a malicious program designed to gain access to confidential data processed through or stored on banking systems on a person’s computer.
The percentage of users attacked by ransomware trojans (non-mobile) – a malicious program designed to steal sensitive data and lock a user out of their computer/account until they pay a ransom.
The percentage of computers infected with malware (web-based) – software designed to gain unauthorized access to, destroy, or disrupt a computer’s system.
The percentage of computers facing a least one local malware attack – number of users whose anti-virus software was triggered by a potentially malicious program during the reporting period.
The percentage of mobile users attacked via web sources – number of users whose anti-virus software was triggered by a potentially malicious web page during the reporting period.
The percentage of all telnet attacks by originating country (based on the number of unique IP addresses of devices used in the attacks) – a technique used by cybercriminals to get people to download a variety of malware types.
The percentage of users attacked by cryptominers – software that’s developed to take over a user’s computer and use its resources to mine currency (without the user’s permission).
The percentage of SSH-based attacks by originating country (IoT) – a brute force attempt to remove the SSH or secure shell communication tool used between two computers.
The percentage of spam emails by originating countries – an unsolicited message sent in bulk via email (from the country it was sent from).
The percentage share of countries targeted by malicious mailings – an unsolicited message sent in bulk via email (to the country it was sent to).
The percentage of computers attacked by phishing attempts – emails that are sent to try and lure the victim into sharing personal data, such as credit card details."

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