Highest-earning online grocery retailers in Russia Q1 2024
In the first three months of 2024, Samokat recorded the largest online food sales revenue in Russia, at 62.8 billion Russian rubles. The X5 Group ranked second, having earned over 50 billion Russian rubles in online sales. Other major companies in the market included VkusVill, Yandex Lavka, and Yandex Market.
Online grocery sales in Russia
E-grocery has been steadily gaining popularity among Russians due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, a remarkable growth was marked in 2021, and the positive market development continued in the following year. Among the moguls of the online grocery market in Russia, Magnit reported the highest revenue growth in the first quarter of 2024, followed by Samokat. Moscow and Moscow Oblast residents had the highest online grocery spending compared to the rest of the country.
COVID-19 impact on food retail in Russia
The sudden outburst of the pandemic and a consequent introduction of the self-isolation policy in the country promoted online food sales and accelerated the development of the e-grocery sector in the region. During that period, pasta, instant soups, and cereals were products with the highest sales growth rate, while diapers and dry baby food were the two most bought non-food items. Nonetheless, by the end of 2020, the largest share of Russian consumers still reported a preference for offline shopping channels, such as minimarkets and hypermarkets, for their grocery shopping.