In-the-month readmissions in psychiatric hospitals in Belgium, by region 2010-2016
In Belgium, the share of readmission in psychiatric services was higher in Flanders than in Wallonia or the Brussels-Capital Region. However, from 2010 to 2016, the share of readmission decreased in Flanders, whereas it increased in the other regions. In 2016, psychiatric services registered a similar rate of readmission after 30 days, around 11,1 percent. The rate of readmission in the 30 days following a discharge from a psychiatric service is often used to evaluate the number of relapse or complications. Readmission can indicate a premature discharge, yet also a lack of coordination in outpatient treatment. Nonetheless, as Belgium does not use a unique patient identification code, a discharged patient which is readmitted in a different service will not be registered as such.