Effects of the "Family 500+" program in Poland in 2019

Effects of the "Family 500 plus" program in Poland in 2019

CharacteristicShare of respondents
Children can develop interest in additional activities 41%
We don't lack money for food, bills, clothes 23%
We can save money, which was impossible earlier 19%
We can afford more expensive products-we buy better products 18%
We can afford a holiday, which was impossible eariler 16%
We improved our living conditions (renovation, change of accommodation) 12%
We can afford medicines, private healthcare, rehabilitation 10%
We could pay off a loan earlier 3%
The problems with paying installments ended 3%
We could pay off debts to our family or friends 3%
There was a possibility for parent/s to quit working 2%
Other 3%
I didn't notice any changes in the functioning of my household 28%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents41%41%23%23%19%19%18%18%16%16%12%12%10%10%3%3%3%3%3%3%2%2%3%3%28%28%Children can develop interest in additional activitiesWe don't lack money for food, bills, clothesWe can save money, which was impossible earlierWe can afford more expensive products-we buy better productsWe can afford a holiday, which was impossible earilerWe improved our living conditions (renovation, change ofaccommodation)We can afford medicines, private healthcare, rehabilitationWe could pay off a loan earlierThe problems with paying installments endedWe could pay off debts to our family or friendsThere was a possibility for parent/s to quit workingOtherI didn't notice any changes in the functioning of my household
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Release date

April 2020



Survey time period

December 2020

Number of respondents

1,019 respondents

Age group

18 years and older

Method of interview

Computer-assisted web interviews (CAWI)

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