Production volume of rice Thailand 2012-2023
In 2023, the production volume of rice in Thailand was around 22.2 million metric tons, indicating a slight increase from the previous year. In that same year, the yield of rice per rai in the country amounted to 317 kilograms. Rice is the largest agricultural product exported by Thailand.
Thailand’s rice production
Rice plays a significant role in Thai society, culture, and economy, serving as the primary food for the entire nation. Half of the country's land is therefore dedicated to rice cultivation. The major rice production regions of Thailand are located in the central and northeastern parts of the country. In 2023, Nakhon Sawan, a gateway between the central and northern regions of Thailand, was the province with the highest production volume of rice in the country. In that same year, Thailand had more than 70 million rai of the harvested area of rice crops.
Rice consumption in Thailand
Rice has always been the staple food of the Thai people. It is not uncommon for Thai to consume rice alongside or at nearly every meal. In 2023, the consumption volume of milled rice in Thailand reached almost 13 million metric tons, making it one of the leading rice-consuming countries in the world.