Opinions on dealing with major sports events affected by COVID-19 2020, by age

Distribution of opinions on the approach to dealing with major sporting events affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as of March 2020, by age

Characteristic18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
The competition should be completed at a later date, however far into the future that is 40% 45% 40% 39% 36%
If the competition is suspended/ paused for a long time (i.e. more than a month), it should be abandoned for this season or year, with no winners or losers recognised 30% 26% 28% 26% 30%
If the competition is suspended/ paused for a long time (i.e more than a month), it should be abandoned for this season or year, and the organisers should find a fair way to make someone its winner and losers 15% 19% 19% 25% 22%
None of these 1% 3% 3% 2% 2%
Don't know 14% 7% 10% 7% 10%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents36%36%30%30%22%22%2%2%10%10%39%39%26%26%25%25%2%2%7%7%40%40%28%28%19%19%3%3%10%10%45%45%26%26%19%19%3%3%7%7%40%40%30%30%15%15%1%1%14%14%18-2425-3435-4445-5455+The competition should be completed at a later date, however far intothe future that isIf the competition is suspended/ paused for a long time (i.e. more thana month), it should be abandoned for this season or year, with nowinners or losers recognisedIf the competition is suspended/ paused for a long time (i.e more thana month), it should be abandoned for this season or year, and theorganisers should find a fair way to make someone its winner andlosersNone of theseDon't know
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Release date

March 2020


United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Survey time period

March 16-17, 2020

Number of respondents

2,026 respondents

Age group

18 years and older

Method of interview

Panel survey

Supplementary notes

Survey questions: Thinking about ANY sports leagues, competitions or tournaments that have been suspended or paused...Which ONE, if any, of the following do you think should happen next? (Please select the option that best applies)

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