Based on a comparison of coronavirus deaths in 210 countries relative to their population, Peru had the most losses to COVID-19 up until July 13, 2022. As of the same date, the virus had infected over 557.8 million people worldwide, and the number of deaths had totaled more than 6.3 million. Note, however, that COVID-19 test rates can vary per country. Additionally, big differences show up between countries when combining the number of deaths against confirmed COVID-19 cases. The source seemingly does not differentiate between "the Wuhan strain" (2019-nCOV) of COVID-19, "the Kent mutation" (B.1.1.7) that appeared in the UK in late 2020, the 2021 Delta variant (B.1.617.2) from India or the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) from South Africa.
The difficulties of death figures
This table aims to provide a complete picture on the topic, but it very much relies on data that has become more difficult to compare. As the coronavirus pandemic developed across the world, countries already used different methods to count fatalities, and they sometimes changed them during the course of the pandemic. On April 16, for example, the Chinese city of Wuhan added a 50 percent increase in their death figures to account for community deaths. These deaths occurred outside of hospitals and went unaccounted for so far. The state of New York did something similar two days before, revising their figures with 3,700 new deaths as they started to include “assumed” coronavirus victims. The United Kingdom started counting deaths in care homes and private households on April 29, adjusting their number with about 5,000 new deaths (which were corrected lowered again by the same amount on August 18). This makes an already difficult comparison even more difficult. Belgium, for example, counts suspected coronavirus deaths in their figures, whereas other countries have not done that (yet). This means two things. First, it could have a big impact on both current as well as future figures. On April 16 already, UK health experts stated that if their numbers were corrected for community deaths like in Wuhan, the UK number would change from 205 to “above 300”. This is exactly what happened two weeks later. Second, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly which countries already have “revised” numbers (like Belgium, Wuhan or New York) and which ones do not. One work-around could be to look at (freely accessible) timelines that track the reported daily increase of deaths in certain countries. Several of these are available on our platform, such as for Belgium, Italy and Sweden. A sudden large increase might be an indicator that the domestic sources changed their methodology.
Where are these numbers coming from?
The numbers shown here were collected by Johns Hopkins University, a source that manually checks the data with domestic health authorities. For the majority of countries, this is from national authorities. In some cases, like China, the United States, Canada or Australia, city reports or other various state authorities were consulted. In this statistic, these separately reported numbers were put together. For more information or other freely accessible content, please visit our dedicated Facts and Figures page.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2022, by country
Based on 2020 population figures; ¹ Figures without this country's dependencies. If daily change is negative, then the dependencies reported new figures earlier than the “main” country; This table shows worldwide countries with a population of one million or more. 55 countries or dependencies with a smaller population can be found under the "Details" tab.
Supplementary notes
The numbers shown here are not an automated update but a manual one. Numbers can change fast, sometimes within minutes, after they show on this platform. It's Statista's policy to update these numbers at least once per day, but we strive to do this more frequently than that. This includes updates on Saturday and Sunday. Delays are, however, possible.
For this statistic, numbers reported by Johns Hopkins University have been compared with the latest available population numbers. The population numbers in the table are rough indicates, the calculation used more precise numbers. Spain's population, for example, is 46.72 in the table but was 46.723749 in the calculation. Hence that the "deaths per million" might differ.
² The source originally put numbers together for some countries and their dependencies. Denmark included, for example, numbers for Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, whereas the Netherlands included numbers for Curacao, Aruba and the Dutch part of Saint Martin. The United States had similar issues with Guam, Puerto Rico, the (U.S.) Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands. To avoid confusion, these numbers have been separated: the numbers for the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Denmark only concern the "main" country. The number for the United States only concerns the 50 states.
For consistency, countries with a smaller population (and a potentially much higher impact of coronavirus deaths) were not included in the table. These countries were as follows:
Montenegro, 244,337 cases (2,714 in last seven days), 2,730 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 4,394 per million (2 per million in last seven days);
San Marino, 18,886 cases (525 in last seven days), 116 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 3,418 per million (29 per million in last seven days);
Gibraltar, 19,796 cases (163 in last seven days), 105 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 3,117 per million (30 per million in last seven days);
Martinique, 205,261 cases (4,050 in last seven days), 981 deaths (10 in last seven days), roughly 2,723 per million (28 per million in last seven days);
Guadeloupe, 175,348 cases (3,917 in last seven days), 958 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 2,515 per million (3 per million in last seven days);
Suriname, 80,919 cases (29 in last seven days), 1,377 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 2,347 per million (2 per million in last seven days);
French Polynesia, 73,858 cases (472 in last seven days), 649 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 2,310 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Liechtenstein, 18,226 cases (194 in last seven days), 85 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 2,229 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Guam, 53,214 cases (851 in last seven days), 373 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 2,210 per million (6 per million in last seven days);
Bermuda, 16,401 cases (239 in last seven days), 140 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 2,191 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Sint Maarten (Dutch part), 10,656 cases (55 in last seven days), 87 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 2,132 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Aruba, 41,448 cases (448 in last seven days), 224 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 2,098 per million (19 per million in last seven days);
St. Lucia, 27,337 cases (204 in last seven days), 385 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 2,097 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
The Bahamas, 36,299 cases (185 in last seven days), 822 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 2,090 per million (5 per million in last seven days);
British Virgin Islands, 7,131 cases (190 in last seven days), 63 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 2,084 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Grenada, 18,560 cases (85 in last seven days), 233 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 2,071 per million (9 per million in last seven days);
Andorra, 44,671 cases (494 in last seven days), 153 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 1,980 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Curaçao, 44,782 cases (237 in last seven days), 280 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 1,806 per million (13 per million in last seven days);
Luxembourg, 272,520 cases (5,616 in last seven days), 1,100 deaths (6 in last seven days), roughly 1,740 per million (9 per million in last seven days);
Belize, 65,508 cases (927 in last seven days), 680 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 1,710 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Seychelles, 45,076 cases (144 in last seven days), 167 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 1,696 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Barbados, 86,451 cases (1,330 in last seven days), 478 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 1,663 per million (3 per million in last seven days);
St Martin (French part), 11,224 cases (163 in last seven days), 63 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 1,630 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Guyana, 68,409 cases (710 in last seven days), 1,263 deaths (7 in last seven days), roughly 1,606 per million (9 per million in last seven days);
Monaco, 13,576 cases (379 in last seven days), 60 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 1,529 per million (25 per million in last seven days);
Antigua and Barbuda, 8,686 cases (21 in last seven days), 143 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 1,460 per million (20 per million in last seven days);
Malta, 109,493 cases (3,425 in last seven days), 763 deaths (12 in last seven days), roughly 1,453 per million (23 per million in last seven days);
French Guiana, 89,779 cases (1,417 in last seven days), 402 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 1,405 per million (3 per million in last seven days);
Isle of Man, 36,998 cases (535 in last seven days), 110 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 1,294 per million (24 per million in last seven days);
New Caledonia, 66,596 cases (1,325 in last seven days), 314 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 1,155 per million (4 per million in last seven days);
Virgin Islands (U.S.), 21,231 cases (236 in last seven days), 120 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 1,129 per million (19 per million in last seven days);
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 9,127 cases (67 in last seven days), 114 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 1,028 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Fiji, 66,405 cases (516 in last seven days), 869 deaths (3 in last seven days), roughly 969 per million (3 per million in last seven days);
Réunion, 425,638 cases (2,869 in last seven days), 819 deaths (7 in last seven days), roughly 949 per million (8 per million in last seven days);
Dominica, 14,852 cases (0 in last seven days), 68 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 945 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Turks and Caicos Islands, 6,234 cases (0 in last seven days), 36 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 930 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Saint Kitts and Nevis, 6,332 cases (139 in last seven days), 45 deaths (2 in last seven days), roughly 846 per million (38 per million in last seven days);
Cabo Verde, 61,669 cases (564 in last seven days), 409 deaths (4 in last seven days), roughly 736 per million (7 per million in last seven days);
Mayotte, 38,139 cases (181 in last seven days), 187 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 669 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Northern Mariana Islands, 11,829 cases (0 in last seven days), 35 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 608 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Faroe Islands, 34,658 cases (0 in last seven days), 28 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 573 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Maldives, 183,491 cases (771 in last seven days), 307 deaths (1 in last seven days), roughly 568 per million (2 per million in last seven days);
American Samoa, 6,505 cases (0 in last seven days), 31 death (0 in last seven days), roughly 562 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Brunei, 178,267 cases (9,507 in last seven days), 225 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 514 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Iceland, 198,721 cases (2,194 in last seven days), 179 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 489 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Cayman Islands, 27,966 cases (372 in last seven days), 29 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 441 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Greenland, 11,971 cases (0 in last seven days), 21 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 373 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Sao Tome and Principe, 6,079 cases (15 in last seven days), 74 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 338 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Palau, 5,308 cases (39 in last seven days), 6 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 332 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Solomon Islands, 21,544 cases (0 in last seven days), 153 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 223 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Djibouti, 15,690 cases (0 in last seven days), 189 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 191 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Comoros, 8,209 cases (48 in last seven days), 160 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 184 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Samoa, 15,134 cases (139 in last seven days), 29 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 146 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Vanuatu, 11,690 cases (243 in last seven days), 14 death (0 in last seven days), roughly 46 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
Bhutan, 59,940 cases (116 in last seven days), 21 deaths (0 in last seven days), roughly 27 per million (0 per million in last seven days);
The following countries, dependencies or regions could not be calculated:
Burma, 613,760 cases (88 in last seven days), 19,434 deaths (0 in last seven days);
Montserrat, 1,023 cases (3 in last seven days), 8 deaths (0 in last seven days);
Saint Barthelemy, 4,845 cases (105 in last seven days), 6 deaths (0 in last seven days);
Taiwan - province of China, 4,132,429 cases (202,802 in last seven days), 7,780 deaths (652 in last seven days);
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Statista. (July 13, 2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2022, by country [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved March 11, 2025, from
Statista. "Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2022, by country." Chart. July 13, 2022. Statista. Accessed March 11, 2025.
Statista. (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2022, by country. Statista. Statista Inc.. Accessed: March 11, 2025.
Statista. "Coronavirus (Covid-19) Deaths Worldwide per One Million Population as of July 13, 2022, by Country." Statista, Statista Inc., 13 Jul 2022,
Statista, Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2022, by country Statista, (last visited March 11, 2025)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2022, by country [Graph], Statista, July 13, 2022. [Online]. Available: