Italy: most-followed Italian influencers on Instagram 2019
The statistic illustrates the leading Italian influencers ranked by number of Instagram followers in Italy as of 2019. Influencers (social influencers) might include journalists, subject experts, celebrities and other individuals with large followings. They typically have established online presences through multiple channels and large followings on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and are widely considered authorities among their follower base. As of the survey period, Chiara Ferragni registered the highest number of Instagram followers. The Italian blogger, fashion influencer and businesswoman started her blog TheBlondeSalad in 2009 and, since then, she launched a clothing and shoes fashion line, she appeared on major magazine covers and moved to from Milan to Los Angeles. Loved and hated, Chiara shares her personal life, travels and collaborations with major fashion designers on Instagram on a daily basis. The number of people following her on the social media increases constantly reaching as of 2019, over twelve million followers.