Number of studying foreigners in Poland 2014-2023
In the academic year 2023/2024, over 107,000 foreigners studied at universities in Poland. The number of foreigners studying in Poland increased by 132 percent in the observed period.
Higher education
More than 1.24 million students studied at universities in the 2023/24 academic year, two percent more than the previous year. In addition, there was a three percent increase in the number of foreign students compared to the last academic year. The most numerous group were students from eastern countries, mainly from Ukraine and Belarus. The business, administration, and law faculty was the most popular among international students. The number of university graduates from the 2022/23 academic year amounted to 292,100 and was slightly lower than in the previous academic year. The fields of business, administration, and law recorded the highest number of graduates at private higher education institutions. At public universities, most graduates majored in technology, industry, and construction. The universities employed over 88 thousand academic teachers. There were nearly 14 students per teacher. In 2022, the total revenue in universities amounted to 32.2 billion zloty, eight percent more than in the previous year.
Popular fields of study
Students in Poland can choose to study at private and public universities. Most applications in 2023 for part-time studies were submitted to Collegium Humanum. In the case of full-time studies, the most popular was Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna in Warsaw. Technical universities recorded the most significant number of candidates. Gdańsk University of Technology had the highest number of applicants, more than eight people per place. In 2022, the most significant number of students studied business, administration, and law. However, the social informatics had the highest number of applicants in 2023 — over 30 people per place.