Public opinion on Benoît Hamon in France 2018-2019

What do you think of Benoît Hamon?*

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Release date

July 2019



Survey time period

July 5 - 6, 2019

Number of respondents

1,003 respondents

Age group

18 years and older

Method of interview

Telephone interview

Supplementary notes

* This question was phrased by the source as follows: "Pour chacune des personnalités suivantes, dites-moi si vous en avez une excellente opinion, une bonne opinion, une mauvaise opinion, une très mauvaise opinion ou si vous ne la connaissez pas suffisamment ?"

The methodology varies according to each monthly survey conducted.
June 2018: 1,008 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone on June 8 and 9, 2018. July 2018: 956 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone survey on July 6 and 7, 2018.
October 2018: 1,009 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone on October 5 and 6, 2018. November 2018: 1,003 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone from October 31 to November 3, 2018. December 2018: 1,003 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone survey from December 7 to 8, 2018. January 2019: 960 people aged 18 and older surveyed by phone from January 11 to 12, 2018.
February 2019: 1,002 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone from February 8 to 9, 2019. March 2019: 958 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone from March 8 to 9, 2019.
May 2019: 955 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone from May 10 to 11, 2019.
June 2019: 1,002 people aged 18 and older surveyed by telephone survey from 7 to 8 June 2019.

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