Global hydrogen fuel stations by country 2022
China has the greatest number of hydrogen fuel stations of any country worldwide. As of August 2024, there were 226 operational hydrogen refueling stations in the country. This was followed by South Korea and Japan. Japan's position as the leading provider of hydrogen automotive fuel is unsurprising given that Japanese automakers Toyota and Honda are among only a handful of car manufacturers selling hydrogen cars to the public.
Global hydrogen demand
Following the Paris Agreement, and more recently, the COP26, the world is seeking innovative technologies to replace fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen has proven to be one such alternative, especially for the transportation sector. Global hydrogen demand totaled 71 million metric tons in 2019, with the refining sector being the major consumer. The IEA forecast that by 2070, total demand could reach over 500 million metric tons, with the transportation sector expected to be the greatest hydrogen consumer.
Where current infrastructure fails
Not only does the technology need to advance, but in order for countries to meet their net zero targets, the necessary infrastructure needs to be developed as well. Only three countries in Europe met the EU Sustainable Taxonomy requirements for hydrogen production using national grid electricity. Most countries would produce highly carbon-intensive hydrogen if they used grid electricity. In addition to the product’s carbon intensity, according to a 2021 survey, the greatest global challenges with hydrogen technology were its complex distribution and inconsistent supply and storage issues.