Share of people experiencing violence or threats in Finland 2018, by gender

Share of people falling victims to violence or threats* within the last 12 months in Finland in 2018, by gender

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Release date

May 2019



Survey time period


Number of respondents

10,000 respondents

Age group

20 years and older

Method of interview


Supplementary notes

* The source provides additional information: "The figures are based on the question: 'Has someone acted violent towards you in the last 12 months? You can choose multiple options.' The sub-questions in the question group were: a) threatened face-to-face, over the phone, or online to hurt you physically? b) restricted your movement, grabbed, pushed, shoved or slapped you? c) hit you with a fist or hard object, kicked or strangled you, or used a weapon against you? d) sexually harassed you verbally or through actions? (e.g. inappropriate touching, cat-calling, suggestive talk)? e) forced or tried to force you into sexual intercourse or other sexual actions? The answer options were: 1) no one, 2) stranger or acquaintance, 3) current spouse or partner, 4) other person close to you (other family member, ex-spouse, friend, colleague). Being observed are those answering to one, some, or all of the sub-questions with the answer option 2) stranger or acquaintance, 3) current spouse or partner, 4) other person close to you (other family member, ex-spouse, friend, colleague).

The source provides the following information: "Information is collected by a mail and online questionnaire.
The respondents are at least 20 years old and have permanent residency in Finland. There is no upper age limit.
The questionnaire is sent to people drawn by random sampling from the data of the Population Register Centre.
The questionnaire form is available in Finnish, Swedish, Russian and English. The survey is carried out annually at the national level (sample size 10,000). This allows processing the findings only on the national level, not by any smaller regions.
Once every four years, the sample size is expanded to enable following the changes by counties at a rough level (sample size 3,300/county)."

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