People rating their quality of life as better than average in Finland 2018, by age

Share of people rating their quality of life better than average according to the WHOQOL-8 scale* in Finland in 2018

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Release date

May 2019



Survey time period


Number of respondents

10,000 respondents

Age group

20 years and older

Method of interview


Supplementary notes

* Additional information provided by the source: "The quality of life indication was constructed using eight questions from the WHO8-EUROHIS indicator. The first question was generic 'How would you rate your quality of life?'. The answer options were 1) very bad, 2) bad, 3) not good nor bad, 4) good, 5) very good. 'How satisfied are you' -question group was split into five sub-questions: 'with your health', ' with your ability to perform your daily living activities', 'with yourself', 'with your personal relationships' and 'with the conditions of your living place'. The answer options were 1) very unsatisfied, 2) unsatisfied, 3) not satisfied nor unsatisfied, 4) satisfied, 5) very satisfied. 'Do you have' -question group consisted of two sub-questions: 'enough energy for everyday life' and 'enough money to meet your needs'. The answer options were 1) not at all, 2) a little, 3) adequately, 4) almost enough, 5) enough. The questions measure the quality of life through physical, psychological, social, and environmental domains. A point average and its mean was calculated from the questions. The persons ranking their quality of life higher than the point average from the whole sample are being observed."

The source provides the following information: "Information is collected by a mail and online questionnaire.
The respondents are at least 20 years old and have permanent residency in Finland. There is no upper age limit.
The questionnaire is sent to people drawn by random sampling from the data of the Population Register Centre.
The questionnaire form is available in Finnish, Swedish, Russian and English. The survey is carried out annually at the national level (sample size 10,000). This allows processing the findings only on the national level, not by any smaller regions.
Once every four years, the sample size is expanded to enable following the changes by counties at a rough level (sample size 3,300/county)."

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