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Topic | February 19, 2024
Pension funds in the Nordics - statistics & facts
Statistics and facts on pension funds in the Nordics
Number of pensioners of direct and derived right in France 2023, by gender
Number of pensioners under the general pension plan of direct and derived right in France as of December 31, 2023, by gender
Average contributory retirement pension per month in Spain 2012-2024
Average monthly amount of contributory retirement pensions in the Social Security system in Spain from 2012 to 2024
Average monthly pension in Finland 2021, by type of recipient
Average monthly pension in Finland at year-end in 2021, by type of recipient (in euros)
Mean state pension income per week in the United Kingdom (UK) 2003-2013, by gender
Mean weekly state pension income in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2003 to 2013, by gender* (in GBP at 2013 prices)**
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