21.01.2020 The 12 most important trends in technology and economy: Green Tech, (R)Urban Revolution, Nomad Workforce
Hamburg, 21 January 2020 - The TrendCompass highlights opportunities and risks in 2020 and beyond to give companies an orientation on individual economic and technological developments. The revenue forecast of the twelve trends presented amounts to USD 2,700 billion by 2025 with a share of up to 2.7 percent of the GDP. The diverse and complex trends are subject to technological and economic drivers of change. Among other things, the trends Green Tech, "Rurban" Revolution and Nomad Workforce will be examined more closely. In addition to providing orientation by naming the trends, the report offers a quantification based on a variety of data points, such as the respective sales potential.
In the field of Green Tech, biotechnology is developing trend-setting products to counteract the effects of climate change and at the same time meet the increasing population growth. For example, sales in the classic meat market are declining. By 2040, 60 percent of meat products will be replaced by cultured meat and vegan meat alternatives.
An urban population group that makes its environment as rural and urban as possible stands for Rurban Revolution. While today 55 percent of the almost eight billion people live in cities, this figure could rise to almost seven billion by 2050. Cities such as Singapore, Paris and London are already campaigning for a higher quality of life and a better climate within cities, for example by building gardens on top of high-rise buildings and green facades. New York City introduced its own "Green Roofs" law in April 2019, which requires green roofs on all roofs of new buildings with residential and commercial space. The vertical farming market will more than triple worldwide to USD 6.4 billion by 2023. The "green roof" market segment is expected to reach USD 19 billion by 2025.
Another trend is the Nomad Workforce: In the United Kingdom, in France, and the Netherlands, freelance growth has outpaced overall employment growth. In the United States, freelance workers could represent more than 50 percent of the U.S. working population by 2027. Working flexibility is desired more than ever with 35% of British employees preferring flexible working options over a pay rise. In 2019, the global market value of flexible workspaces is estimated at approximately 26bn USD with 35,000 coworking spaces counted.
The TrendCompass encompasses 230 pages and is available free of charge on Statista.com.
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