02.04.2024 Statista appoints Dr. Niclas Störmer as Chief Financial Officer

Hamburg, Germany. Statista, a globally leading company for statistics, market, consumer, and corporate data based in Hamburg, Germany, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Niclas Störmer, an experienced finance professional, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). In this new role, Störmer will be part of the Executive Committee and will significantly contribute to driving the company's growth trajectory further.

"I am delighted that Niclas Störmer is taking on the position of the new Chief Financial Officer. His extensive experience and strategic thinking will continue to make a crucial contribution to the development of our company", said Marc Berg, Chief Executive Officer of Statista, about the ongoing collaboration.

Störmer began his career in strategy consulting at IBM Business Consulting. After obtaining his doctorate from TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, he worked in business development and controlling at Gruner + Jahr before later assuming the position of CFO / COO of Eat the World GmbH. He subsequently successfully founded his own company.

"I am very excited to be part of the fantastic team at Statista and look forward to continuing the success story of the company together with my colleagues. Our goal is to solidify Statista's reputation as a reliable source for statistics, market, consumer, and corporate data that both customers and employees trust", said Dr. Niclas Störmer.


Statista is one of the world's leading companies for statistical and market data, empowering people globally to make fact-based decisions. With an extensive database of over 1.5 million statistics on more than 80,000 topics, statista.com provides high-quality, reliable, and relevant data for international businesses, governments, research, and educational institutions. Founded in 2007 in Germany, Statista now employs more than 1,400 people at 13 locations worldwide.