16.02.2012 Statista launches Chart of the Day
16/02/2012 Statista launches Chart of the Day
Statista now offers a free infographics service. From Monday to Friday, Germany’s leading statistics portal will publish up-to-date charts on current media and economic topics. Charts can be used and embedded in websites for free.
Hamburg, February 16, 2012 – Today, Statista sets out to launch its new infographics service. The offer is aimed at both German and English websites with charts focusing on trending media, economic and political topics. All infographics can be used free-of-charge and may be embedded in websites.
“In coordination with our graphics department, our data journalists create an interesting ‘Chart of the Day’ on a daily basis,” says CEO Dr. Friedrich Schwandt. “Bloggers and journalists are free to use them to enhance their articles.” Current charts can be accessed via http://www.statista.com/chartoftheday/. Journalists additionally have the option to subscribe to a daily newsletter that provides them with information on the latest charts. At the same time, a comprehensive and free-to-use archive allows users to access previously published charts.
Over the last two months, Statista ran extensive tests in order to ensure a product that is guaranteed to be tailored to current trends and demands. Among the first to test the service were the German websites Spiegel Online, Wirtschaftswoche and Horizont and the English websites Venturebeat and Mashable. In the coming months, the range of topics will be extended further.
About Statista – As one of the largest statistics portals worldwide, statista.com professionally gathers and compiles statistical data from numerous institutes and sources. Users have access to more than 60,000 topics from over 10,000 sources, covering 20 different industry sectors from agriculture to travel, tourism and hospitality. Statista provides statistical data for business clients as well as education and research professionals. The company also offers fee-based premium accounts that allow users to access exclusive content that required extensive research efforts. Numbers and data are taken from studies, reports and the latest market research.
Statista is growing continuously. With every new statistic, Statista also publishes additional information like sources, publication dates and number of respondents. This makes it easy for users to validate and interpret the specific content they are interested in. Research and data entry at Statista are always conducted according to scientific standards.
Statista was founded in 2007. Around 60 employees work in the offices in Hamburg and New York – among them database experts, data journalists and statisticians. The company was chosen as Startup of the Year 2008 and received the renowned Gruenderpreis of the Financial Times Germany in the same year. In 2010, it was voted a Place of Innovation and European winner of the Red Herring award.
More information:
Mathias Brandt
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