03.08.2017 The Crowdfunding Center becomes Statista data Partner
The Crowdfunding Center, a leading source of data driven tools and insights for crowdfunders, backers, platforms investors & analysts is now a partner with Statista. The Crowdfunding Center will provide Statista with a sampling of data for its subscribers which can be accessed via Statista.com. The data will cover global and regional breakdowns of crowdfunding platforms and categories such as Technology, Gaming and Design.
A recent example is the newly published “Women Unbound” global report published jointly by The Crowdfunding Center and PwC, which delivers new data on gender bias in crowdfunding showing that around the world women are significantly more successful. The report can be downloaded from WomenUnbound.org.
(Download this chart here: https://www.statista.com/chart/10538/crowdfunding-women-more-successful/)
The Crowdfunding Center has been collecting, curating and analyzing data from all major platforms for the past four years, documenting and profiling more than 500,000 campaigns. The data shows us which cities do best at crowdfunding, which campaigns are most successful and which categories are most successful, but more importantly they also provide insights into why.
Barry E James, founder and CEO of The Crowdfunding Centre, said: "Crowdfunding is now a significant part of mainstream finance and this new partnership will help us make our data, analyses and reports - such as the annual State of the Crowdfunding Nation reports - much more widely available helping to empower entrepreneurs, investors and the crowd across the world. We are delighted to partner with Statista, who clearly share the same love of data we do. Of all the organizations we looked at globally, Statista is by far the most comprehensive and impressive. Their reach in terms of academia as well as business is crucial in getting these crowdfunding insights and data to analysts and decision makers worldwide.”
With a team of over 250 researchers, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. Statista’s client base includes a wide range of globally active companies and premier academic institutions. Since the launch of the platform in 2008, more than 1,000,000 users have registered with Statista.
“Crowdfunding is a popular theme which there is limited information on available. We are happy to include The Crowdfunding Center as a source of reliable crowdfunding data on Statista. The additional data will benefit our users, and is a welcome new opportunity for those looking for a more Crowdfunding Data.”, said Statista CEO Friedrich Schwandt.
About The Crowd Data Center & The Crowdfunding Center
The Crowd Data Center is the world’s observatory for the crowd economy, with data from more than 500,000 crowdfunds from across the world over more than three years, and powers The Crowdfunding Center, which provides tools & insights for crowdfunders, platforms, investors & analysts.
Founded by Barry E James, author of New Routes to Funding, the standard text on modern funding, and his team as well as providing data and custom reports and analysis on both the crowd and entrepreneurial economy across sectors, cities, regions and the world The Crowd Data Center also published the State of the Crowdfunding Nation Reports and provides custom datasets for research and other purposes.
More information is available at TheCrowdDataCenter.com or for interviews etc. contact press@thecrowdfundingcentre.com or call +44 (0) 7896 946731.
About Statista
Statista.com is a leading data and business intelligence portal. Statista provides its customers with considerable efficiency and cost benefits when it comes to locating business-relevant information, primarily in the form of statistics, on a single highly-relevant platform. The portal offers a vast pool of data in German, English, French, and Spanish, which is collected in accordance with customer needs and expanded on a daily basis. The platform provides access to some one million statistics covering more than 600 industries from over 18,000 sources, consisting of, in three equal parts, data from Statista’s own collections, data from partners, and data from publicly available sources. Furthermore, Statista performs extensive market research studies and publishes renowned rankings and top lists for different industries and countries (e.g. “Best Employer”, “Best Law Firm”, etc.). Statista also designs custom infographics for its customers. For more information about Statista please visit www.statista.com.